Current Appointments


Senior / Schools Games

Senior Appointments
11 March - 19 March 2025

(Updated 11 March at 2:29pm)



BJRU Junior Appointments
16 March 2025

(Updated 13 March at 3:00pm)


Appointments Process

The Q.R.R.A. (Brisbane) appoints to a range of matches across the Brisbane region, including both Seniors, Schools, Junior and Social Rugby competitions. These appointments are made by the Appointments Officers, Neill McCann (Seniors and Schools U16 and above) and Scott Chapman (BJRU and Schools U15 and below).

Currently all senior appointments are sent directly to members via RAS, and in 2016 we will be implementing RAS for all BJRU appointments.

If referees are unavailable for their appointments, they should contact the appropriate appointments officer directly at either (Neill McCann), or (Scott Chapman)

Once the first round of appointments has been made (usually Tuesday or Wednesday), a collated version of all appointments is posted below. Once the necessary changes have been made due to dropouts, the revised appointments are posted here, usually late on Friday afternoon.

Create Phone contact for Appointment Officer

Senior Appointment Officer

On your phone either click on link or scan QR code


Junior Appointment Officer

On your phone either click on link or scan QR code



Timely advice of unavailability is key to ensuring the appointments officers are able to do their job. Members can advise their unavailability in two ways:

Rugby Xplorer allows members to input their unavailability into the system themselves via entering the online portal then clicking “unavailability”.

Email – Members can email their unavailability to